To most, the collapse of modern civilization is the stuff of fiction. Yet, science confirms that misuse of technology and environmental abuse places our world in grave danger of ruin. The World Scientists' Warning to Humanity places our civilization on a collision course. Defying Dystopia analyses how we have come to this, and what options remain for far-seeing people to take control of their own destiny and survive the future.

Ed Ayres, who has worked with some iconic environmental scientists of the past half-century, argues that technology was originally used to augment the natural strengths of humans, but has been increasingly used in ways that weaken us—shifting from useful work to the industries of distraction, entertainment, convenience, pain-relief, and sedation. Ayres advises on how at least some of us can avoid that collision. The most critical task, for those of us who want humanity to survive and thrive, is to disengage from our tech thraldom, and shift to a conscious management of our evolution in which we use technology to enhance our skills and strengths rather than erode or supplant them.

Ayres provides insightful, actionable suggestions we can use to increase our odds of survival. He asks far-seeing individuals to take on a mission that the dominant governments and institutions demonstrably cannot: the epic task of shepherding a low-profile, resilient transition to a new kind of human future.

chapter 1|10 pages

Losing Balance

Technologies Tilting the Wrong Way

chapter 2|10 pages

Big-Picture Thinking

How Some of Us Came to See What We Now See

chapter 3|16 pages

The Numbing

When Our Devices and Distractions Become Our Pacifiers

chapter 4|26 pages

The Weakening

Unnoticed Effects of Effort-Saving Technology

chapter 5|18 pages

The New Trojan Horse

Why the Takeover Has Not Been Seen For What It Is

chapter 6|18 pages

The Stumbling

A Slow-Footed Species in a Sprint Economy

chapter 7|6 pages

The Footprint of the Future

We Are Not Cows!

chapter 8|18 pages

Seeing Past Dystopia

Facing up to Malthus, Orwell, Super-Storm Sandy . . . and What?

chapter 9|14 pages

Reigniting Imagination

In Search of Our Lost Abilities to Anticipate, Envision, and Plan

chapter 10|8 pages

Hands, Feet, Bare Skin, and Privacy

The Last Bastions of Natural Strength

chapter 11|18 pages

Overriding Evolution

A Course of High Adventure and Uncertain Salvation

chapter 12|12 pages

Breaking Away

Blazing Paths to a New Human Future

chapter 13|16 pages

A New Beginning

Essential Steps Toward Long-Run Survival