On 13 April 1920, the Bollettino Ufficiale of the Command published an interview with Gabriele D'Annunzio conducted by Doctor Brajer of the Neue Freie Presse and "various Hungarian journals." The head of the comandante's cabinet had been working on the subject since De Ambris arrival in Fiume in January, and D'Annunzio received the final draft on 18 March. The new constitution was drafted by De Ambris in the middle of March, made public at the end of August, and finally promulgated hastily in early September. The National Council had initiated a campaign against the workers' organizations at the very moment when De Ambris and D'Annunzio were attempting to create the new syndicalist state in Fiume. Anti-Republican sentiment in Fiume was forcing the Command to backtrack in its march toward the future, similar setbacks were being registered in the parallel attempt to enlist the support of the Italian and European Left on behalf of the Fiuman enterprise.