The account of the ways in which Isabel Paterson made herself a writer unwelcome to the New York Herald Tribune and an advisor unwelcome to many conservatives and nascent libertarians was written for National Review. As Paterson's essay indicates, the relationship may be least happy when the capitalists are officials of large organizations, more accustomed to dealing with other officials of large organizations than with scrappy writers such as Isabel Paterson. Mr. Crawford H. Greenewalt is president of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, which on a combined scale of values, including commercial integrity, size, duration and historic importance, is tops among American industrial corporations. The Dean informs us that "while preparing these lectures, Mr. Greenewalt was occupied not only with the management of a large company but with another literary venture. When Mr. Greenewalt gets down to cases, he means "the individual in the corporation," and draws on his own experience.