This chapter attempts to indicate how magical rituals such as the Invocation of Lust and the Shibboleth Ritual help practicing Satanists, members of the Church of the Trapezoid, to accomplish their desires. The pre-Satanist first discovers the existence of Black Magic and, eventually, hears of Anton LaVey and the First Church of the Trapezoid. Some blasphemies are grotesque burlesques or parodies of religious rituals and evoke laughter. Eventually the formerly anxiety-provoking stimuli bring disgust, anger, or laughter, but not fear. Systematic desensitization is the name of a general technique of behavioral therapy designed to take a previously anxiety-producing stimulus and condition a new response to it. Without going into the details of the love magic, the ritual process in the conjuration of lust can be typified as encouraging the individual to give voice in a direct and graphic way to the desires that are moving him.