As soon as he learned of the developments in Havana, Fidel made a dramatic address to the nation. He told the Cuban people that General Cantillo had allowed Batista to flee the country unpunished; a junta had been organized with Cantillo as its figurehead; and the general had refused to surrender the Leoncio Vidal Camp at Santa Clara to the combined M-26-7 and DR guerrillas. The communique announced the possibility of further bloodshed. “Whatever the news from the capital,” Castro announced, “our troops must not, under any circumstances, call a halt to military operations.” 1 Castro’s orders were clear: “Our forces must continue operations on every front against the enemy. Evidently there has been a coup d’etat in the capital. The conditions under which that coup took place are ignored by the rebel army.” 2 Castro repeated: “Military operations shall continue without alteration as long as this rebel headquarters does not order otherwise.” A ceasefire would not be declared until all military bodies had been placed under the command of the rebel army, and no coup d’etat would be acceptable, for that would mean “taking victory away from the people.” After seven years of struggle the victory had to be absolute so that “never again can another March 10 take place in our fatherland. Let no one be confused or mistaken: orders are to remain on the alert.”