Parapsychological phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance and psychokinesis, were in the center of the author's research interests just as the symbolism of brain structure. Since the foundation of the "Society for Psychical Research" in England in 1882, it has been tried to provide a scientific basis to the parapsychological phenomena. The parapsychological phenomena disturb the basic scientific premises and expectations of the scientific researcher. Parapsychologists in general and Professor Rhine in particular, expressed the hope to reach control of parapsychological phenomena which would enable man to control them and to utilize them just like the case of other sciences of natural processes. The present scientific view of the world has no place for parapsychological phenomena. Psi actually belongs to the science of communication of meaning. Therefore, parapsychology is not a science aiming to find a causal relationship between facts in order to master them, although it is important to objectify the facts of psi-phenomena and the conditions favoring such phenomena.