This chapter examines a number of factors affecting the future direction and impact of anti-doping policy and aims to the challenge of achieving compliance among World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA’s) partners. WADA and its four regional offices are at the centre of this network and liaise with: first, the anti-doping officers of the major international federation and through them the anti-doping officers at national sport organisation level; and second, governments, of which around 130 have a national anti-doping organisation. WADA’s network of antidoping laboratories, funding of scientific research, cooperation agreements with pharmaceutical companies and storage and retesting of samples for eight years has enabled the Agency to keep broadly in step with prohibited drug use by athletes. The scathing criticism of international sport organisations in the WADA report reflects, in part at least, the frustration within the Agency at the limited instruments that it has at its disposal to bring recalcitrant organisations into line.