This chapter provides an understanding of sedentary behavior and considerations for population subgroups. It presents the relationship between sedentary behavior and health, describes different types of sedentary behaviors, and examines demographic factors to consider when conducting interventions/programs to address sedentary behaviors. The chapter also provides intervening with individuals and groups the tools necessary to understand sedentary behavior, its unique influence on health, and the factors that should be taken into consideration when working with particular populations. Moving forward, research and practice-based programs should also aim to evaluate interventions for their long-term impact on reducing sedentary behaviors and improving health outcomes. Strategies for decreasing sedentary time can be divided into focusing on leisure time and focusing on work time. The leisure-time and work-time strategies are presented as suggestions and need to be tried to see what best fits into an individual's lifestyle. Every sedentary behavior that is cut short or interrupted by physical activity will help in fighting the obesity epidemic.