Robert Enright has been a leader in research on forgiveness. In his 2001 book, Forgiveness Is a Choice, he offers many insights into the dynamics of Congeras story. Emerging from Burundis violent past and moving toward a core mission of sustainable peace and development, the University of Ngozi requires a deep faith in peace and possibilities. Much like the peace process unfolding in Northern Ireland, people understand the deadly mix of emotions that fuel violence and retaliationsetting old scores emotions that can erupt and take an entire nation down. Marie was one of the founding members of the Student Association for Communicating Sustainable Peace and Development. One group of second-year health students drew on their understanding of Gandhi. Students in the communication/interpretation program have similar reactions. In general, societies tend to be a blend of peaceable and warrior culture themes, the balance between the themes varying from society to society and from historical moment to historical moment.