First published in 1979, Inequality, Crime, and Public Policy integrates and interprets the vast corpus of existing research on social class, slums, and crime, and presents its own findings on these matters. It explores two major questions. First, do policies designed to redistribute wealth and power within capitalist societies have effects upon crime? Second, do policies created to overcome the residential segregation of social classes have effects on crime? The book provides a brilliantly comprehensive and systematic review of the empirical evidence to support or refute the classic theories of Engles, Bonger, Merton, Cloward and Ohlin, Cohen, Miller, Shaw and McKay, amongst many others. Braithwaite confronts these theories with evidence of the extent and nature of white collar crime, and a consideration of the way law enhancement and law enforcement might serve class interest.

part I|101 pages


chapter 1|20 pages

Defining the problem

chapter 2|41 pages

The class-crime relationship

chapter 3|38 pages

Theories of lower-class criminality

part III|68 pages

Part III

chapter 12|9 pages

Inequality: conclusions and policies

chapter |6 pages


The socialist critique of the reformist criminology in this book