There exists a literature on Muslim communities in Europe that is so vast as to require bibliographies like Felice Dacetto and Yves Conrad's (1996) now woefully outdated Musulmans en Europe Occidentale: Bibliographie Commentée to be adequately surveyed. Despite its great bulk, however, this material dates for the most part to comparatively recent times. Indeed, scholarly, journalistic and policy work on Muslims in Europe only comes to constitute a genre from the 1980s, much after the great waves of migration that established such populations in countries like Britain, France, the Netherlands and Germany after the Second World War, in a context defined by decolonization and the opening of European labour markets. Starting with the study of these migrant communities, the literature on Muslims in Europe has moved on to locate them within a longer history of interactions between Christians, Muslims and Jews on the continent, sometimes stretching as far back as Charlemagne, Arab Spain and the Crusades, but more often beginning with the movement of Muslim diplomats, merchants and adventurers in the eighteenth century. Parallel to this narrative exists another having to do with the Muslim population in those parts of Europe that came under Ottoman rule, and even some work on the long-established communities of Tatars in Russia.