INTRODUCTION Online programs require two diff erent levels or types of management: project management and strategic management. Project management deals with the operational details of running a program, whereas strategic management is concerned with macro-level, institutional level, planning considerations. Both types of management might address the same issues, but would do so with diff erent types of concern. For example, project management might involve fi nding a replacement instructor for one who is ill whereas strategic management might focus on deciding which departments might be funded to recruit new faculty to teach during the next semester or year. Th e diff erence in scope might be illustrated by another example. Consider the diff erence between enforcing a policy on cheating with a particular student versus dealing with cheating overall. Th e former might involve ensuring that the student is aware of the policy and the consequences of cheating, verifying that cheating occurred, and taking appropriate disciplinary actions. Th e latter could involve evaluating and implementing anti-plagiarism tools or changing the design of course tests or assignments to make them less susceptible to compromise. Strategic planning is oft en concerned with assessing future trends (e.g., enrollments, technology) and collecting data to make decisions. It also involves setting goals and priorities with respect to program focus, and resources.