Introduction One of the most prominent issues around the world and often a massive clash in many societies is the handling of issues referring to sex, especially gay and lesbian rights and gender equality. One example of this is that while the Christopher Street Day, a Remembrance Day against discrimination and exclusion of gay and lesbians, is nowadays in western countries a big party with often several thousand participants, it is forbidden in many countries and in some the participants are punished severely. Another is that in many western countries it is today quite unproblematic when politicians publically acknowledge that they are living in homosexual relationships. However, such an outing in an Islamic country might result in severe punishment, such as torture or a death sentence. Also women’s rights differ largely around the world. These not only concern political entitlements and civil liberties, such as the right to vote or to be elected, but also the right of property, to have their own income, to have access to birth control and for education. In Saudi Arabia, for example, women are not even allowed to drive cars.