Madness is a country Just around the corner Whose shores are never lit But if you go there Ferried by despair The sentries would ask you to strip At first the clothes, then the flesh And later of course your bones Their only rule is freedom Why, they even eat bits of your soul When in hunger, But when you reach that shore That unit shore Do not return, please do not return … 1 What a skilfully summed up symbolic representation of the ‘Illyria’ of the Indian subcontinent — ‘Bombay’ or Mumbai or, to make it more explicit, ‘Bollywood’. A place where dreams are made and sold, where images are distorted by mirrors with distortions and a place where dreamers are gulled to confusion. Bollywood becomes the Shakespearean Illyria — an appropriate Twelfth Night setting that allows one to aspire towards what one is not and reminds the audience of ‘what you will’ and ‘what you will not’.