Dietrich Disselhoff: Bvnerkungm IIU Einigen E.kimo-Mask~n .ur Sammlin~ Jacobs.n.us Bt rliner MUJeums jar Hilkerkund~, 130-7, with 20 photoslMK.

2171 KENNARD, EDWARD A. [paintings] by Edwin Earle pp. 41; i1l1text, pI. ·28 NY: J. J. Augustin

Hupi kachinas:

ueB 1938

2172 DOUGLAS, FREDERICK H. & D'HARNONCOURT, RENE. Indian art of the United States pp. 220; ililtext (*16) L NY: Museum of Modern An 1941 Photos/of MK (~ 2). See, Th.A. 1718 (1933) for special issue: Th. dramatic arll oj Ihe American Indian. 2173 ROEDIGER, VIRGINIA M. Ceremonial costumes of the Pueblo Indians: their evolution, fabrication, and significance in the prayer drama pp. Kviii, 253; iJlltext (*many) UCSC Berkeley: U. of California Press 1941 Preface by A. Nicoll. Costumes in rel(U.ion w th. prayer drama, 177-233; *40 full-page dnwings by author of CDIMK for the Hopi & Zuni. Based on PhD thesis, Yale 0., 1937.