The physical structure of a boxing ring is set up, using chairs. We start assembling teams. We need an opponent for him . . . then we need coaching teams so this guy doesn't get ripped apart. We want to give him an affirmative experience so that at the end he really feels some o f those options he could try. We also want to give him the experience o f getting real support. So we'll assemble a coaching team around that guy, and we need suitable people in the room to do that. It's quite nice to get a prison officer in that corner. Often a guy might have one or two mates in that corner. We'll also need support for the other guy. We'll create a name for them. One

TH E FORGOTTEN JACKET Last night there was a brilliant party. However, the challenger has left his jacket behind at the party. It’s his favourite jacket. His task is to go round there and get it back. However, the party host did a big clear out very late last night of all the accumulated rubbish in the flat. He thinks this included the jacket. Everything was bagged up and the dustmen have since collected the rubbish. But this character is noted as a shifty character who would not hesitate at taking advan­ tage of others’ forgetfulness. How can the challenger find out the true destination of the jacket? If it’s truly gone, can he resign himself to that? If it’s still present, can he persuade the other to give it up?