Years 1 and 2 worked on the theme 'Me' with a history focus. Year 1 concentrated on their own time-lines for six years, which recorded their own experiences of change over time. They brought in their own baby clothes, and toys they had had over the previous five years, sequenced socks and mittens to illustrate growth, sequenced their photographs, and recounted memories. They interviewed one of the parents about a new baby who was brought into school, weighed, measured and compared with them. They listed their achievements since they were babies: talking, throwing and catching balls, and so on. The children were also paired with Year 6 children as part of the Year 6 work on 'human development'. Each pair worked on a cross-curricular theme planned by the older child for a week, at their own level. One pair, for instance, studied an old oil lamp, wrote about it, painted it and found out about it, each in their own way then they put the resulting work in a book and discussed similarities and differences of the five-year-old and ten-yearold approaches. Both the Year 1 and Year 6 children enjoyed this, and it enabled the younger children to predict what they may be like and able to do when they are 'twice as old as now'.