Because Lithuanian is of the Slavic group of languages, and because Lithuania was once a part of the Russian Empire, there are many similarities between it and Russian. The Jugoslav language is of the same group as the Russian. Much, therefore, of what was written about the Russian dialect can be applied also to the Yugoslav dialect. The Czech language is common to the Czechs, the Moravians, the Silesians and Slovaks. Therefore, the following changes will apply to the dialect of any of these groups. The Finnish dialect lengthens its vowel sounds considerably, especially its "a's". But the most important characteristic of the dialect is that many of its words must end with a vowel or an aspirate "uh," like the Italian. The Hungarian language is not one of the Slavic groups but is, instead, linked with the Finnish. This fact may account for some of the similarities in the American dialects of the Hungarian and the Finn.