The Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing contains over 800 entries ranging from Lord Acton and Anna Comnena to Howard Zinn and from Herodotus to Simon Schama.

Over 300 contributors from around the world have composed critical assessments of historians from the beginning of historical writing to the present day, including individuals from related disciplines like Jürgen Habermas and Clifford Geertz, whose theoretical contributions have informed historical debate.

Additionally, the Encyclopedia includes some 200 essays treating the development of national, regional and topical historiographies, from the Ancient Near East to the history of sexuality.

In addition to the Western tradition, it includes substantial assessments of African, Asian, and Latin American historians and debates on gender and subaltern studies.

volume Volume 1




letter |64 pages


entry |2 pages

Acton, Lord 1834–1902

entry |3 pages

Adams, Henry 1838–1918

entry |2 pages

Afigbo, A.E. 1937-

entry |3 pages

Africa: Central

entry |3 pages

Africa: Eastern and Southern

entry |3 pages

Africa: North and the Horn

entry |4 pages

Africa: West

entry |5 pages

African American History

entry |2 pages

African Diaspora

entry |4 pages

Agrarian History

entry |2 pages

Ajayi, Jacob F. Ade 1929-

entry |2 pages

Ali Haji, Raja C.1809-C.1870

entry |3 pages

Althusser, Louis 1918-1990

entry |2 pages

Ambrose, Stephen E. 1936-

entry |3 pages

America: Pre-Columbian

entry |2 pages

Ammianus Marcellinus C.330—C.395 ce

entry |2 pages

Anderson, Benedict 1936-

entry |2 pages

Anderson, Perry 1938-

entry |3 pages

Andrews, Charles McLean 1863–1943

entry |2 pages

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

entry |2 pages

Annales regni Francorum

entry |2 pages

Annales School

entry |4 pages

Anthropology, Historical

entry |2 pages

Arai Hakuseki 1657–1725

entry |4 pages


entry |7 pages


entry |2 pages

Ariès, Philippe 1914–1984

entry |5 pages

Art History

entry |3 pages


entry |4 pages


entry |4 pages

Austro-Hungarian Empire

entry |2 pages

Axtell, James 1941-

entry |1 pages

Ayandele, Emmanuel Ayankami 1936-

letter |100 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |3 pages

Bailyn, Bernard 1922-

entry |3 pages

The Balkans

entry |2 pages

Ban Gu [Pan Ku] 32–92 ce

entry |2 pages

Bancroft, George 1800–1891

entry |2 pages

Barkan, Omer Lütfi 1905(?)-1979

entry |2 pages

Baron, Hans 1900–1988

entry |2 pages

Baron, Salo Wittmayer 1895–1989

entry |2 pages

Barraclough, Geoffrey 1908–1984

entry |3 pages

Bartol’d, Vasilii Vladimirovich [Wilhelm Barthold], 1869–1930

entry |2 pages

Basadre, Jorge 1903-1980

entry |2 pages

Bauer, Walter 1877–1960

entry |2 pages

Beaglehole, John C. 1901-1971

entry |3 pages

Bean, C.E.W. 1879–1968

entry |1 pages

Beard, Charles A. 1874–1948

entry |2 pages

Beard, Mary Ritter 1876–1958

entry |2 pages

Becker, Carl L. 1873–1945

entry |2 pages

Bede c.672/3-735

entry |3 pages

Begriffsgeschichte (History of Concepts)

entry |2 pages

Beloch, Karl Julius 1854–1929

entry |2 pages

Berlin, Isaiah 1909–1997

entry |2 pages

Bernal, Martin 1937-

entry |2 pages

Bīrūnī, Abū Rayhān al-, 973-C.1050

entry |3 pages

Blainey, Geoffrey 1930-

entry |2 pages

Bloch, Marc 1886–1944

entry |2 pages

Blum, Jerome 1913–1993

entry |2 pages

Boahen, A. Adu 193z-

entry |3 pages

Bock, Gisela 1942.-

entry |2 pages

Bodin, Jean 1529/30–1596

entry |4 pages

The Body

entry |2 pages

Bolland, Jean 1596–1665

entry |2 pages

Bolton, Herbert E. 1870–1953

entry |2 pages

Boorstin, Daniel J. 1914-

entry |3 pages

Borah, Woodrow 1912-

entry |2 pages

Bourdieu, Pierre 1930-

entry |2 pages

Boxer, C.R. 1904-

entry |2 pages

Bracher, Karl Dietrich 1922-

entry |2 pages

Braham, Randolph L. 1922-

entry |3 pages

Braudel, Fernand 1902–1985

entry |8 pages


entry |3 pages

Breasted, James Henry 1865–1935

entry |2 pages

Brenner, Robert 1943-

entry |2 pages

Briggs, Asa 1921-

entry |4 pages

Britain: Anglo-Saxon

entry |5 pages

Britain: 1066–1485

entry |5 pages

Britain: 1485–1750

entry |4 pages

Britain: since 1750

entry |4 pages

British Empire

entry |2 pages

Broszat, Martin 1926–1989

entry |1 pages

Broué, Pierre 1926-

entry |2 pages

Brown, Peter 1935-

entry |2 pages

Browne, Edward G. 1862–1926

entry |2 pages

Brunner, Otto 1898–1982

entry |2 pages

Buckle, Henry Thomas 1821–1862

entry |2 pages

Bugis and Makasar (Sulawesi) Chronicles

entry |2 pages

Bultmann, Rudolf 1884–1976

entry |2 pages

Burckhardt, Jacob 1818–1897

entry |3 pages

Burke, Peter 1937-

entry |2 pages

Burns, Robert Ignatius 1921-

entry |2 pages

Bury, J.B. 1861–1927

entry |3 pages

Business History

entry |2 pages

Butterfield, Herbert 1900-1979

entry |6 pages


letter |118 pages


entry |2 pages

Caesar, Julius 100–44 bce

entry |2 pages

Cahen, Claude 1909–1991

entry |2 pages

Cam, Helen 1885–1968

entry |3 pages

Cambridge Group

entry |1 pages

Camden, William 1551–1623

entry |2 pages

Cameron, Averil 1940-

entry |5 pages


entry |2 pages

Cantimori, Delio 1904–1966

entry |3 pages

Cardoso, Fernando Henrique 1931-

entry |2 pages

Carlyle, Thomas 1795–1881

entry |2 pages

Carr, E.H. 1892–1982

entry |2 pages

Carr, Raymond 1919-

entry |2 pages

Cassiodorus C.487-C.585

entry |2 pages

Cassirer, Ernst 1874–1945

entry |1 pages

Cassius Dio c. 150–235 ce

entry |3 pages

Castro, Américo 1885–1972

entry |3 pages

Catholicism/Catholic Church

entry |3 pages

Central America

entry |2 pages

Central Asia: since 1850

entry |2 pages

Central Europe

entry |3 pages

Chabod, Federico 1901–1960

entry |2 pages

Chadwick, Owen 1916-

entry |2 pages

Chandler, Alfred D., Jr. 1918-

entry |3 pages

Chartier, Roger 1945-

entry |1 pages

Chaudhuri, K.N. 1934-

entry |3 pages

Cheil Yinke [Chen Yinque], 1890–1969

entry |2 pages

Cheney, C.R. 1906–1987

entry |2 pages

Chevalier, François 1914-

entry |2 pages


entry |6 pages

China: Ancient (c. 1500–221 bce)

entry |3 pages

China: Early and Middle Imperial (221 bce-959 ce)

entry |5 pages

China: Late Imperial (960–1911)

entry |3 pages

China: Modern (since 1911)

entry |4 pages

China: Historical Writing, Ancient (c. 1100—221 bce)

entry |4 pages

China: Historical Writing, Early and Middle Imperial (2.21 bce-959 ce)

entry |8 pages

China: Historical Writing, Late Imperial (960–1911)

entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages

Cipolla, Carlo M. 1922-

entry |3 pages

Clapham, J.H. 1873–1946

entry |1 pages

Clark, Alice 1874–1934

entry |3 pages

Clark, Manning 1915–1991

entry |2 pages

Cobb, Richard 1917–1996

entry |2 pages

Cobban, Alfred 190I-1968

entry |3 pages

Cole, G.D.H. 1889–1959

entry |2 pages

Collingwood, R.G. 1889–1943

entry |2 pages

Commager, Henry Steele 1902–1998

entry |2 pages

Commons, John R. 1862–1945

entry |3 pages

Comparative History

entry |3 pages

Computers and Computing, History of

entry |2 pages

Computing and History

entry |2 pages

Comte, Auguste 1798–1857

entry |1 pages


entry |3 pages

Consumerism and Consumption

entry |3 pages

Conze, Werner 1910--1986

entry |2 pages

Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine 1935-

entry |2 pages

Corbin, Alain 1936-

entry |2 pages

Cosío Villegas, Daniel 1898–1976

entry |2 pages

Cott, Nancy F. 1945-

entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages

Creighton, Donald Grant 1902-1979

entry |6 pages

Crime and Deviance

entry |4 pages

Croce, Benedetto 1866–1952

entry |2 pages

Crosby, Alfred W., Jr. 1931-

entry |2 pages


entry |9 pages


entry |3 pages

Cultural History

entry |3 pages

Curti, Merle 1897–1996

entry |2 pages

Curtin, Philip D. 1922-

letter |50 pages


entry |2 pages

Darnton, Robert 1939-

entry |2 pages

Daube, David 1909-

entry |2 pages

Davidoff, Leonore 1932-

entry |2 pages

Davidson, Basil 1914-

entry |2 pages

Davies, Norman 1939-

entry |2 pages

Davies, R.W. 1925-

entry |2 pages

Davis, David Brion 1927-

entry |2 pages

Davis, Natalie Zemon 1928-

entry |2 pages

Debo, Angie 1890–1988

entry |2 pages

De Felice, Renzo 1929–1996

entry |2 pages

Degler, Carl N. 1921-

entry |3 pages

Delbrück, Hans 1848–1929

entry |3 pages

Delisle, Léopold 1826–1910

entry |2 pages

Delumeau, Jean 1923-

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Dening, Greg 1931-

entry |2 pages

De Sanctis, Francesco 1817–1883

entry |3 pages

Design History

entry |2 pages

Deutscher, Isaac 1907–1967

entry |2 pages

de Vries, Jan 1943-

entry |2 pages

Díaz del Castillo, Bernal c. 1492–1584

entry |2 pages

Dickens, A.G. 1910–

entry |2 pages

Dilthey, Wilhelm 1833–1911

entry |1 pages

Dio Cassius

entry |2 pages

Diodorus Siculus c.104-c.20 bce

entry |1 pages

Dionysius of Halicarnassus c.60-after 7 bce

entry |3 pages

Diop, Cheikh Anta 1923–1985

entry |3 pages

Diplomatic History/International Relations

entry |2 pages

Documentary Film

entry |3 pages

Domínguez Ortiz, Antonio 1909-

entry |1 pages

Dopsch, Alfons 1868–1953

entry |4 pages


entry |2 pages

Droysen, J.G. 1808–1884

entry |2 pages

Dubnov, Simon 1860–1941

entry |3 pages

Du Bois, W.E.B. 1868–1963

entry |2 pages

Duby, Georges 1919–1996

entry |2 pages

Duhem, Pierre 1861–1916

entry |2 pages

Dunning, William A. 1857–1922

entry |1 pages

Dutt, R.C. 1848–1909

entry |2 pages

Dyos, H.J. 1921–1978

letter |42 pages


entry |2 pages

East Central Europe

entry |4 pages

Eastern Orthodoxy

entry |2 pages

Eaton, Richard Maxwell 1940-

entry |2 pages

Eberhard, Wolfram 1909–1989

entry |2 pages

Eccles, W.J. 1917-

entry |4 pages

Ecclesiastical History

entry |2 pages


entry |4 pages

Economic History

entry |3 pages

Egypt: Ancient

entry |3 pages

Egypt: since the 7th Century ce

entry |2 pages

Einhard c.770–840

entry |2 pages

Elkins, Stanley 1925-

entry |2 pages

Elliott, J.H. 1930-

entry |2 pages

Elton, G.R. 1921–1994

entry |2 pages

Engels, Friedrich 1820–1895

entry |2 pages

Enlightenment Historical Writing

entry |2 pages

Ennen, Edith 1907-

entry |3 pages

Environmental History

entry |2 pages

Erikson, Erik H. 1902-1994

entry |5 pages

Ethnicity and “Race”

entry |2 pages


entry |4 pages

Europe: Modern

entry |3 pages

European Expansion

entry |2 pages

Eusebius of Caesarea C.265–339ce

letter |56 pages


entry |3 pages

Fairbank, John K. 1907–1991

entry |3 pages

The Family

entry |2 pages

Febvre, Lucien 1878–1956

entry |2 pages

Feierman, Steven 1940-

entry |2 pages


entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages

Finley, M.I. 1912–1986

entry |2 pages

Fischer, Fritz 1908-

entry |2 pages

Fleck, Ludwig 1896–1961

entry |2 pages

Fogel, Robert William 1926-

entry |2 pages

Foner, Eric 1943-

entry |2 pages

Foner, Philip S. 1910–1994

entry |2 pages

Foucault, Michel 1926–1984

entry |3 pages

Foxe, John 1516–1587

entry |4 pages

France: to 1000

entry |4 pages

France: 1000–1450

entry |6 pages

France: 1450–1789

entry |3 pages

France: French Revolution

entry |8 pages

France: since the Revolution

entry |2 pages

Franklin, John Hope 1915-

entry |2 pages

Frégault, Guy 1918–1977 French Canadian historian

entry |3 pages

Freud, Sigmund 1856–1939

entry |2 pages

Freyre, Gilberto 1900-1987

entry |2 pages

Froissart, Jean [Jehan] c.1337-after 1404

entry |2 pages


entry |3 pages

Froude, J.A. 1818–1894

entry |2 pages

Fruin, Robert 1823–1899 Dutch historian

entry |2 pages

Fügedi, Erik 1916–1993

entry |2 pages

Furet, François 1917–1997

entry |3 pages

Furnivall, J.S. 1878–1960

entry |2 pages

Fustel de Coulanges, Numa 1830–1889

letter |73 pages


entry |2 pages

Gail, Lothar 1936-

entry |2 pages

Gallagher, John 1919–1980

entry |2 pages

Ganshof, F.L. 1895–1980

entry |2 pages

Garcilaso de la Vega 1539–1616

entry |2 pages

Gardiner, Samuel Rawson 1829–1902

entry |3 pages

Garin, Eugenio 1909-

entry |2 pages

Gatterer, Johann Christoph 1729–1799

entry |2 pages

Gay, Peter 1923-

entry |2 pages

Geertz, Clifford 1926-

entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages

Genovese, Eugene D. 1930-

entry |2 pages

Germani, Gino 1911–1979

entry |4 pages

Germany: to 1450

entry |5 pages

Germany: 1450–1800

entry |5 pages

Germany: 1800–1945

entry |3 pages

Germany: since 1945

entry |2 pages

Geyl, Pieter 1887–1966

entry |2 pages

Giannone, Pietro 1676–1748

entry |3 pages

Gibbon, Edward 1737–1794

entry |2 pages

Gibson, Charles 1920–1985

entry |2 pages

Giesebrecht, Wilhelm von 1814–1889

entry |3 pages

Gilbert, Felix 1905–1991

entry |2 pages

Gilson, Etienne 1884–1978

entry |2 pages

Ginzburg, Carlo 1939–

entry |2 pages

Giovio, Paolo c. 1486–1552

entry |2 pages

Gipson, Lawrence Henry 1880–1971

entry |1 pages

Global History

entry |2 pages

Godechot, Jacques Léon 1907–1989

entry |1 pages

Goitein, S.D. 1900–1980

entry |2 pages

Goldman, Eric 1915–1989

entry |1 pages

Gombrich, E.H. 1909-

entry |3 pages

Góngora, Mario 1915–1985

entry |2 pages

González Casanova, Pablo 1922-

entry |2 pages

Gopal, Sarvepalli 1923-

entry |2 pages

Gordon, Linda 1940-

entry |2 pages

Graetz, Heinrich 1817–1891

entry |1 pages

Principal Writings

entry |2 pages

Gramsci, Antonio 1891–1937

entry |3 pages

Greece: Ancient

entry |2 pages

Greece: Modern

entry |2 pages

Green, Alice Stopford 1847–1929

entry |2 pages

Greene, Jack P. 1931-

entry |2 pages

Gregory of Tours 538/9–594/5

entry |2 pages

Grimshaw, Patricia 1938-

entry |2 pages

Groulx, Lionel 1878–1967

entry |2 pages

Gsell, Stéphane 1864–1932

entry |2 pages

Gu Jiegang [Ku Chieh-kang] 1893–1980

entry |2 pages

Guha, Ranajit 1922-

entry |2 pages

Guicciardini, Francesco 1483–1540

entry |3 pages

Guichard, Pierre 1939–

entry |2 pages

Guizot, François 1787–1874

entry |2 pages

Gunki monogatari

entry |2 pages

Gurevich, Aron 1924-

entry |3 pages

Gutman, Herbert G. 1928–1985

letter |65 pages


entry |2 pages

Habakkuk, H.J. 1915-

entry |2 pages

Habermas, Jürgen 1929-

entry |2 pages

Halecki, Oskar 1891–1973

entry |2 pages

Halévy, Elie 1870–1937

entry |2 pages

Haller, Johannes 1865–1947

entry |3 pages

Halperín-Donghi, Tulio 1926-

entry |3 pages

Hammond, J.L. 1872–1949 and Barbara Hammond 1873–1961

entry |2 pages

Handlin, Oscar 1915-

entry |2 pages

Hanke, Lewis 1905–1993

entry |2 pages

Hargreaves, John D. 1924-

entry |2 pages

Hartung, Fritz 1883–1967

entry |2 pages

Hartz, Louis 1919–1986

entry |3 pages

Haskins, Charles Homer 1870–1937

entry |2 pages

Hausen, Karin 1938-

entry |1 pages

Hayashi School

entry |3 pages

Heckscher, Eli F. 1879–1952

entry |2 pages

Hegel, G.W.F. 1770–1831

entry |2 pages

Heilbron, J.L. 1934-

entry |2 pages

Henry, Louis 1911-1991

entry |2 pages

Herder, J.G. 1744–1803

entry |2 pages

Herodotus c.484-after 424 bce

entry |1 pages

Hexter, J.H. 1910-1996

entry |2 pages

Hilberg, Raul 1926-

entry |3 pages

Hill, Christopher 191z-

entry |2 pages

Hillgruber, Andreas 1925–1989

entry |2 pages

Hilton, Rodney 1916-

entry |2 pages

Hine, Darlene Clark 1947-

entry |2 pages

Hintze, Otto 1861–1940

entry |2 pages

Historical Geography

entry |2 pages

Historical Maps and Atlases

entry |5 pages

Historiology/Philosophy of Historical Writing

entry |2 pages

History from Below

entry |2 pages

History Workshop

entry |2 pages

Hobsbawm, E.J. 1917-

entry |2 pages

Hodgson, Marshall G.S. 1922–1968

entry |3 pages

Hofstadter, Richard 1916–1970

entry |2 pages

Holanda, S.B. de 1902–1982

entry |2 pages

Holdsworth, W.S. 1871–1944

entry |2 pages

Holinshed, Raphael fl.1560–1580

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Holy Roman Empire

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Horwitz, Morton J. 1938-

entry |3 pages

Hourani, Albert 1915–1993

entry |2 pages

Howard, Michael 1922-

entry |2 pages

Hufton, Olwen H. 1938-

entry |2 pages

Hughes, Kathleen 1926–1977

entry |2 pages

Hughes, Thomas P. 1923-

entry |2 pages

Huizinga, Johan 1872–1945

entry |2 pages

Hume, David 1711–1776

entry |2 pages

Hunt, Lynn 1945-

letter |39 pages


entry |2 pages

Ibn al-Athīr, ‘Izz al-Dīn 1160–1233

entry |2 pages

Ibn Khaldūn 1332–1406

entry |2 pages

Ileto, Reynaldo Clemeña 1946-

entry |2 pages

Iliffe, John 1939-

entry |5 pages

Imperial History

entry |2 pages

Inalcik, Halil 1916-

entry |3 pages

India: since 1750

entry |2 pages

Indian Ocean Region

entry |3 pages

Indigenous Peoples

entry |4 pages

Industrial Revolution

entry |2 pages

Innis, Harold A. 1894–1952

entry |4 pages

Intellectual History/History of Ideas

entry |2 pages

Intelligence and Espionage

entry |4 pages

Iran: since 1500

entry |4 pages


entry |4 pages

Islamic Nations and Cultures

entry |2 pages

Issawi, Charles P. 1916-

entry |4 pages

Italy: Renaissance

entry |4 pages

Italy: since the Renaissance

letter |19 pages


entry |2 pages

James, C.L.R. 1901-1989

entry |2 pages

Janssen, Johannes 1829–1891

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Japanese Chronicles

entry |2 pages

Jelavich, Barbara 1923–1995 and Charles Jelavich 1922-

entry |2 pages

Jensen, Merrill 1905–1980

entry |4 pages

Jewish History

entry |2 pages

Joll, James 1918–1994

entry |2 pages

Jones, A.H.M. 1904–1970

entry |2 pages

Jones, Gareth Stedman 1942-

entry |3 pages

Jordan, Winthrop D. 1931-

entry |2 pages

Josephus 37/38-c.94 ce

entry |2 pages

Julien, Charles-André 1891–1989

letter |40 pages


entry |2 pages

Kantorowicz, Ernst H. 1895–1963

entry |2 pages

Karamzin, N.M. 1766–1826

entry |3 pages

Kasravi, Ahmad 1890–1946

entry |2 pages

Katz, Jacob 1904-

entry |2 pages

Kazhdan, A.P. 1922--1997

entry |2 pages

Kedourie, Elie1926–1992

entry |2 pages

Keegan, John 1934-

entry |2 pages

Kehr, Eckart 1902–1933

entry |2 pages

Kelly-Gadol, Joan 1928–1982

entry |2 pages

Kennedy, Paul M. 1945-

entry |2 pages

Kerber, Linda K. 1940-

entry |2 pages

Kessler-Harris, Alice 1941-

entry |2 pages

Kiernan, V.G. 1913-

entry |2 pages

Kitabatake Chikafusa 1293–1354

entry |2 pages

Kliuchevskii, V.O. 1841–1911

entry |2 pages

Knowles, David 1896–1974

entry |3 pages

Kocka, Jürgen 1941-

entry |2 pages

Kołakowski, Leszek 1927-

entry |2 pages

Kolko, Gabriel 1932.-

entry |2 pages

Komnene, Anna 1083-C.1153/4

entry |2 pages

Kong-zi [Confucius] 551–479 bce

entry |1 pages

Koonz, Claudia

entry |3 pages

Köprülü, M.F. 1890–1966

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Kosambi, D.D. 1907–1966

entry |2 pages

Koselleck, Reinhart 1923-

entry |2 pages

Kristeller, Paul Oskar 1905-

entry |2 pages

Krusch, Bruno 1857–1940

entry |2 pages

Kuczynski, Jürgen 1904–1977

entry |2 pages

Kuhn, Thomas S. 1922–1996

entry |1 pages

Kula, Witold 1916–1988

letter |72 pages


entry |6 pages

Labor History

entry |2 pages

Labrousse, Ernest 1895–1988

entry |3 pages

LaFeber, Walter 1933-

entry |2 pages

Lake, Marilyn 1949-

entry |2 pages

Lamprecht, Karl 1856–1915

entry |2 pages

Landes, David S. 1924-

entry |2 pages

Laroui, Abdallah [‘Abd Allāh al-‘Arawī] 1933-

entry |2 pages

Las Casas, Bartolomé de 1474–1566

entry |2 pages

Lasch, Christopher 1932–1994

entry |5 pages

Latin America: Colonial

entry |5 pages

Latin America: National (since 1810)

entry |2 pages

Lavisse, Ernest 1842–1922

entry |1 pages

Lavrin, Asunción

entry |3 pages

Lea, Henry Charles 1825–1909

entry |2 pages

Lecky, W.E.H. 1838–1903

entry |2 pages

Lefebvre, Georges 1874–1959

entry |6 pages

Legal History

entry |2 pages


entry |3 pages

Lelewel, Joachim 1786–1861

entry |2 pages

León-Portilla, Miguel 1926-

entry |1 pages

Le Quy Don c. 1726-C.1784

entry |2 pages

Lerner, Gerda 1920-

entry |3 pages

Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel 1929-

entry |2 pages

Leuchtenburg, William E. 1922-

entry |2 pages

Levene, Ricardo 1885–1959

entry |2 pages

Levine, Lawrence W. 1933-

entry |2 pages

Lévi-Provençal, Evariste 1894–1956

entry |2 pages

Levison, Wilhelm 1876–1947

entry |2 pages

Lewin, Moshe 1921-

entry |2 pages

Lewis, Bernard 1916-

entry |2 pages

Lewis, David Levering 1936-

entry |2 pages

Leyser, Karl 1920–1992

entry |3 pages

Liang Qichao [Liang Ch’i-ch’ao] 1873–1929

entry |2 pages

Link, Arthur S. 1920–1998

entry |4 pages

Literature and History

entry |2 pages

Litwack, Leon F. 1929-

entry |2 pages

Liu Zhiji [Liu Chih-chi] 661–721

entry |2 pages

Livy 59 bce-c.17 ce

entry |2 pages

Local History

entry |2 pages

Lopez, Robert S. 1910–1986

entry |2 pages

Lovejoy, Arthur O. 1873–1962

entry |2 pages

Lovejoy, Paul E. 1943-

entry |4 pages

Low Countries

entry |2 pages

Lower, A.R.M. 1889–1988

entry |2 pages

Lüdtke, Alf 1943-

entry |2 pages

Lyons, F.S.L. 1923–1983

volume Volume 2


letter |106 pages


entry |2 pages

Ma Huan fl. 1413-33 Chinese traveler, interpreter, and journalist

entry |2 pages

Mabillon, Jean 1632-1707 French document collector and critic

entry |2 pages

Macartney, C.A. 1895-1978 British historian of Eastern Europe

entry |2 pages

Macaulay, Thomas Babington 1800–1859 British historian

entry |3 pages

Mach, Ernst 1838–1916 Austrian physicist

entry |2 pages

Machiavelli, Niccolò 1469–1527 Florentine humanist historian

entry |2 pages

Mack Smith, Denis 1920 British historian of modern Italy

entry |3 pages

McLuhan, Marshall 1911–1980 Canadian communications theorist

entry |2 pages

McNeill, William H. 1917-US (Canadian-born) world historian

entry |2 pages

Mahan, Alfred Thayer 1840–1914 US naval historian

entry |2 pages

Maitland, F.W. 1850–1906 British medievalist

entry |2 pages

Malay Annals (Sejarah Melayu)

entry |2 pages

Malin, James C. 1893–1979 US environmental historian

entry |2 pages

Mansi, Giovanni Domenico 1692–1769 Italian theologian and editor

entry |3 pages

Manzoni, Alessandro 1785–1873 Italian poet and novelist

entry |2 pages

Maravall, José Antonio 1911–1986 Spanish intellectual historian

entry |2 pages

Marczali, Henrik 1856–1940 Hungarian historian

entry |3 pages

Maritime History

entry |2 pages

Marks, Shula 1936-South African social historian

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Marrus, Michael R. 1941-Canadian historian of modern Europe

entry |2 pages

Martines, Lauro 1927-US historian of the Italian Renaissance

entry |2 pages

Maruyama Masao 1914–1996 Japanese intellectual historian

entry |2 pages

Marx, Karl 1818–1883 German political theorist and historian

entry |7 pages

Marxist Interpretation of History

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Mason, Tim 1940–1990 British historian of Germany

entry |2 pages

Maspero, Henri 1883–1945 French historian of China

entry |2 pages

Massignon, Louis 1883–1962 French Islamic historian

entry |3 pages

Mathiez, Albert 1874–1932 French religious historian

entry |2 pages

Mattingly, Garrett 1900–1962 US historian of early modern Europe

entry |2 pages

Mayer, Arno J. 1926-US (Luxembourg-born) historian of modern Europe

entry |2 pages

Mazrui, Ali A. 1933-Kenyan historian

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Medicine, History of

entry |3 pages

Medieval Chronicles

entry |2 pages

Medieval Historical Writing

entry |2 pages

Medvedev, Roy 1925-Russian historian

entry |2 pages

Meier, August 1923-US historian

entry |2 pages

Meinecke, Friedrich 1862–1954 German historian

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Menéndez Pidal, Ramón 1869–1968 Spanish medievalist and literary historian

entry |4 pages

Mentalities, History of

entry |2 pages

Merchant, Carolyn 1936-US environmental historian

entry |2 pages

Merton, Robert K. 1910-US sociologist and historian of science

entry |2 pages


entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Meyer, Eduard 1855–1930 German historian of the ancient world

entry |2 pages

Michelet, Jules 1798–1874 French historian

entry |3 pages

Middle East: Medieval

entry |3 pages


entry |4 pages

Military History

entry |2 pages

Miliukov, Pavel 1859–1943 Russian economic historian

entry |2 pages

Miller, Perry 1905–1963 US intellectual historian

entry |4 pages

Miller, Susanne 1915-German (Bulgarian-born) historian

entry |2 pages

Milsom, S.F.C. 1923-British legal historian

entry |1 pages

Mito School

entry |3 pages

Mitre, Bartolomé 1821–1906 Argentine historian

entry |2 pages

Momigliano, Arnaldo 1908–1987 Italian ancient historian

entry |2 pages

Mommsen, Hans 1930-German historian

entry |2 pages

Mommsen, Theodor 1817–1903 German historian of the ancient world

entry |2 pages

Mommsen, Wolfgang J. 1930-German historian

entry |2 pages

Mongol Empire

entry |1 pages

Montesquieu 1689–1755 French philosopher

entry |3 pages

Montgomery, David 1927-US labor historian

entry |2 pages

Moody, T.W. 1907–1984 Irish historian

entry |2 pages

Moore, Barrington, Jr. 1913-US sociologist and political theorist

entry |2 pages

Moreno Fraginals, Manuel 1920-Cuban historian of Latin America

entry |2 pages

Morgan, Edmund S. 1916-US historian of early America

entry |2 pages

Morison, Samuel Eliot 1887–1976 US historian

entry |2 pages

Morton, W.L. 1908–1980 Canadian historian

entry |2 pages

Mosse, George L. 1918-US (German-born) intellectual/cultural historian

entry |2 pages

Motley, John Lothrop 1814–1877 US historian of early modern Europe

entry |3 pages

Mousnier, Roland 1907–1993 French political/institutional historian

entry |1 pages

Mumford, Lewis 1895–1990 US architectural and cultural historian

entry |2 pages

Muratori, L.A. 1672–1750 Italian medievalist

entry |2 pages


letter |28 pages


entry |2 pages

Naima, Mustafa 1655–1716 Ottoman political historian

entry |2 pages

Naitō Torajirō 1866–1934 Japanese historian of China

entry |2 pages

Namier, Lewis 1888–1960 British (Polish-born) historian

entry |3 pages

Napoleonic Wars (1800–1815)

entry |2 pages

Nash, Gary B. 1933–US historian

entry |4 pages


entry |4 pages

Native American History

entry |2 pages

Natural Sciences, Historical

entry |3 pages

Naval History

entry |3 pages

Near East: Ancient

entry |2 pages

Needham, Joseph 1900–1995 British historian of Chinese science

entry |3 pages

Nevins, Allan 1890–1971 US historian

entry |2 pages

New Zealand

entry |3 pages

Niebuhr, B.G. 1776–1831 German (Danish-born) historian

entry |2 pages

Niethammer, Lutz 1939–German oral historian

entry |2 pages

Nietzsche, Friedrich 1844–1900 German historical philosopher

entry |2 pages

Niida Noboru 1904–1966 Japanese historian of Chinese legal history

letter |24 pages


entry |2 pages

Obolensky, Dimitri 1918–Russian historian of Byzantium

entry |2 pages

O'Gorman, Edmundo 1906–1995 Mexican historian

entry |2 pages

Ogot, Bethwell A. 1929–Kenyan historian of Africa

entry |2 pages

Oliver, Roland 1923–British historian of Africa

entry |3 pages

Oral History

entry |2 pages

Orderic [Ordericus] Vitalis 1075–1142/3 Anglo-Norman monastic historian

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Ormsby, Margaret A. 1909–1996 Canadian historian

entry |2 pages

Ortiz, Fernando 1881–1969 Cuban historian, sociologist, anthropologist, and linguist

entry |1 pages

Osgood, Herbert Levi 1855–1918 US historian of colonial America

entry |2 pages

Ostrogorsky, George 1902–1976 Russian historian of Byzantium

entry |1 pages

Otsuka Hisao 1907–1996 Japanese economic historian

entry |2 pages

Otto of Freising c. 1114–1158 German chronicler

entry |5 pages

Ottoman Empire

entry |2 pages

Ouellet, Fernand 1926–French Canadian historian

entry |2 pages

Owsley, Frank Lawrence 1890–1956 US historian

entry |2 pages

Ozouf, Mona French social historian

letter |69 pages


entry |2 pages

Pacific/Oceanic History

entry |2 pages

Pagels, Elaine 1943–US historian of religion

entry |2 pages

Painter, Nell Irvin 1942–US historian

entry |2 pages

Palacký, František 1798–1876 Czech historian

entry |2 pages

Panofsky, Erwin 1892–1968 US (German-born) art historian

entry |2 pages

Paris, Matthew c.1200–c.1259 English historical writer

entry |2 pages

Parker, Geoffrey 1943–British historian of early modern Europe

entry |2 pages

Parkman, Francis 1823–1893 US historian of the frontier

entry |2 pages

Parrington, Vernon Louis 1871–1929 US intellectual historian

entry |3 pages

Pekař, Josef 1870–1937 Czech historian

entry |2 pages

Pelliot, Paul 1878–1945 French historian of China

entry |2 pages

Pérez, Louis A., Jr. 1943–US historian of Latin America

entry |2 pages

Pessen, Edward 1920–1992 US social historian

entry |1 pages

Pevsner, Nikolaus 1902–1983 British (German-born) architectural historian

entry |2 pages

Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell 1877–1934 US historian of the American South

entry |2 pages

Philosophy of History

entry |2 pages

Pieri, Piero 1893–1974 Italian military historian

entry |3 pages

Pieroni Bortolotti, Franca 1925–1985 Italian historian of the women's political movement

entry |2 pages

Pinchbeck, Ivy 1898–1982 British economic historian of women

entry |2 pages

Pipes, Richard 1923–US (Polish-born) historian of the Soviet Union

entry |2 pages

Pirenne, Henri 1862–1935 Belgian medievalist

entry |2 pages

Platonov, S.F. 1860–1933 Russian social historian

entry |2 pages

Plucknett, T.F.T. 1897–1965 British legal historian

entry |2 pages

Plumb, J.H. 1911–British political historian

entry |2 pages

Plutarch before 50–after 120CE Greek essayist and historian

entry |2 pages

Pocock, J.G.A. 1924–British historian

entry |6 pages

Poland: to the 18th Century

entry |5 pages

Poland: since the 18th Century

entry |2 pages

Polanyi, Karl 1886–1964 Hungarian political economist and economic historian

entry |3 pages

Poliakov, Léon 1910–1997 Russian-French historian of anti-Semitism

entry |4 pages

Political and Constitutional History

entry |2 pages

Polybius c.200–c.118bce Greek historian of Rome

entry |2 pages

Popper, Karl 1902–1994 British (Austrian-born) philosopher and historical theorist

entry |4 pages

Popular History

entry |2 pages

Portelli, Alessandro 1942–Italian oral historian

entry |2 pages

Postan, M.M. 1899–1981 British (Russian-born) medievalist

entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages

Potter, David M. 1910–1971 US historian

entry |2 pages

Power, Eileen 1889–1940 British medievalist and economic and social historian

entry |3 pages

Prado Júnior, Caio 1907–1990 Brazilian historian and publisher

entry |2 pages

Prebisch, Raúl 1901–1986 Argentine economist

entry |2 pages


entry |3 pages

Prescott, William H. 1796–1859 US historian of imperial Spain and Latin America

entry |2 pages

Procacci, Giuliano 1926–Italian political historian

entry |2 pages

Procopius c.500–after 542 Byzantine historian

entry |1 pages


entry |4 pages


entry |3 pages

Prucha, Francis Paul 1921–US historian of Native Americans

entry |2 pages

Psellos, Michael 1018–after 1081 Byzantine writer and historian

letter |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Quantitative Method

entry |2 pages

Quinn, David B. 1909—Irish historian

letter |67 pages


entry |2 pages

Radzinowicz, Leon 1906— British (Polish-born) legal historian

entry |2 pages

Raeff, Marc 1923— US (Russian-born) social historian

entry |2 pages

Ranger, Terence O. 1929— British historian of Africa

entry |2 pages

Ranggawarsita, Raden Ngabei 1802–1873 Javanese court poet

entry |2 pages

Raniri, Nur ud-Din ar- d. 1658 Indian Islamic theologian and historian

entry |2 pages

Ranke, Leopold von 1795–1886 German historian

entry |2 pages

Rashīd al-Dīn, Fazlallah 1247–1318 Persian historian

entry |2 pages

Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas 1713–1796 French colonial historian

entry |5 pages

The Reformation

entry |4 pages


entry |2 pages

Religion(s), Comparative History of

entry |2 pages

Renaissance Historical Writing

entry |3 pages

Renouvin, Pierre 1893–1974 French historian

entry |2 pages

Rhetoric and History

entry |3 pages

Ritter, Gerhard A. 1888–1967 German political and cultural historian

entry |2 pages

Robinson, James Harvey 1863–1936 US historian of European intellectual history

entry |2 pages

Rock, David 1945-British historian of Latin America

entry |2 pages

Rodinson, Maxime 1915-French Islamicist

entry |2 pages

Rodney, Walter 1942–1980 Guyanese historian of Africa

entry |3 pages

Rodrigues, José Honório 1913–1987 Brazilian historian

entry |2 pages

Roger of Wendover d. 1236 English monastic chronicler

entry |6 pages

Roman Empire

entry |3 pages

Romeo, Rosario 1924–1987 Italian historian of the Risorgimento

entry |2 pages

Romero, José Luis 1909–1977 Argentine social historian

entry |2 pages

Rörig, Fritz 1882–1952 German medievalist

entry |2 pages

Rosenberg, Arthur 1889–1943 German historian

entry |2 pages

Rosenberg, Charles E. 1936-US historian of medicine and science

entry |2 pages

Rosenberg, Hans 1904–1988 German historian

entry |2 pages

Rostovtzeff, M.I. 1870–1952 Russian classical historian

entry |2 pages

Rostow, W.W. 1916-US economic historian

entry |1 pages

Rothschild, Joseph 1931-US (German-born) historian of modern Eastern Europe

entry |3 pages

Rowbotham, Sheila 1943-British socialist-feminist historian

entry |2 pages

Rudé, George 1910–1993 British social historian

entry |2 pages

Runciman, Steven 1903-British historian of Byzantium

entry |2 pages

Russell, Conrad 1937-British historian of early modern England

entry |3 pages

Russia: Medieval

entry |5 pages

Russia: Early Modern (1462–1689)

entry |9 pages

Russia: Modern (since 1690)

entry |3 pages

Russia: Russian Revolution

letter |125 pages


entry |2 pages

Said, Edward W. 1935-US (Palestinian-born) literary critic and historian

entry |2 pages

Sallust 86–35 BCE Roman historian

entry |2 pages

Salvemini, Gaetano 1873–1957 Italian economic historian

entry |2 pages

Samuel, Raphael 1934–1996 British social historian

entry |2 pages

Sánchez-Albornoz, Claudio 1893–1984 Spanish medievalist

entry |2 pages

Sanctis, Gaetano de 1870–1957 Italian historian of Greece and Rome

entry |3 pages

Sarpi, Paolo 1552–1623 Italian political and ecclesiastical historian

entry |2 pages

Sarton, George 1884–1956 Belgian-American historian of science and Arabist

entry |2 pages

Sauer, Carl O. 1889–1975 US human geographer

entry |3 pages

Savigny, Friedrich Karl von 1779–1861 German legal historian

entry |2 pages

Saxo Grammaticus fl. 1185–1208 Danish historian

entry |2 pages

Schama, Simon 1945-British historian of early modern Europe

entry |2 pages

Schieder, Theodor 1908–1984 German historian

entry |3 pages

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. 1917-US historian and biographer

entry |2 pages

Schlözer, August Ludwig von 1735–1809 German historian

entry |3 pages

Schnabel, Franz 1887–1966 German historian

entry |3 pages

Schorske, Carl E. 1915-US cultural and intellectual historian

entry |2 pages

Schramm, Percy Ernst 1894–1970 German medievalist and military historian

entry |4 pages

Science, History of

entry |2 pages

Scobie, James R. 1929–1981 US historian of Latin America

entry |3 pages


entry |2 pages

Scott, Anne Firor 1921-US women's historian

entry |2 pages

Scott, James C. 1936-US political theorist

entry |2 pages

Scott, Joan Wallach 1941-US historian of French gender and labor history

entry |2 pages

Scribner, R.W. 1941–1998 Australian historian of the Reformation

entry |2 pages

Scriptores Historiae Augustae

entry |2 pages

Seeley, J.R. 1834–1895 British historian

entry |2 pages

Séguin, Maurice 1918–1984 French Canadian historian of Quebec

entry |3 pages

Seignobos, Charles 1854–1942 French historian

entry |2 pages

Selden, John 1584–1654 English legal historian

entry |2 pages

Semple, Ellen Churchill 1863–1932 US environmental historian and geographer

entry |2 pages

Seton-Watson, Hugh 1916–1984 British historian of Central and Southeastern Europe

entry |2 pages

Seton-Watson, R.W. 1879–1951 British historian of Central and Southeastern Europe

entry |4 pages


entry |2 pages

Shigeno Yasutsugu 1827–1910 Japanese evidential historian

entry |2 pages

Shiratori Kurakichi 1865–1942 Japanese historian of Asia

entry |2 pages

Sigerist, Henry E. 1891–1957 Swiss-American medical historian

entry |2 pages

Sima Guang [Ssu-ma Kuang] 1019–1086 Chinese historian, statesman, poet, and essayist

entry |2 pages

Sima Qian [Ssu-ma Ch'ien], c.145–c.87BCE Chinese historiographer, prose stylist, and government official

entry |2 pages

Simiand, François 1873–1935 French sociologist and economic historian

entry |2 pages

Simpson, A.W.B. 1931-British legal historian

entry |2 pages

Sinclair, Keith 1922–1993 New Zealand historian

entry |2 pages

Skinner, Quentin 1940-British historian of political thought

entry |3 pages

Slavery: Ancient

entry |4 pages

Slavery: Modern

entry |2 pages

Smith, Henry Nash 1906–1986 US historian

entry |2 pages

Smith, Merritt Roe 1940-US historian of technology

entry |2 pages

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll 1936-US women's and gender historian

entry |2 pages

Snorri Sturluson 1178/79–1241 Icelandic historian, poet, and statesman

entry |2 pages

Soboul, Albert 1914–1982 French historian

entry |4 pages

Social History

entry |4 pages

Sociology and History

entry |2 pages

Solov'ev, S.M. 1820–1879 Russian historian

entry |2 pages

South Africa

entry |6 pages

Southeast Asia

entry |2 pages

Southern, R.W. 1912-British medieval historian

entry |4 pages

Spain: Islamic

entry |4 pages

Spain: to 1450

entry |4 pages

Spain: Imperial

entry |4 pages

Spain: Modern (since 1808)

entry |2 pages

Spence, Jonathan D. 1936-British historian of China

entry |2 pages

Spengler, Oswald 1880–1936 German historian

entry |3 pages

Sport, History of

entry |2 pages

Spriano, Paolo 1925–1988 Italian political historian

entry |2 pages

Spruill, Julia Cherry 1899–1986 US women's historian

entry |3 pages

Srbik, Heinrich von 1878–1951 Austrian historian, founder of the gesamtdeutsch (Pan-German) school of historical writing

entry |2 pages

Stampp, Kenneth M. 1912-US historian

entry |3 pages

The State

entry |2 pages

Stavrianos, Leften Stavros 1913-US (Canadian-born) historian of the Balkans

entry |2 pages

Stein, Stanley J. 1920-US historian of Latin America

entry |2 pages

Stenton, F.M. 1880–1967 British Anglo-Saxonist

entry |2 pages

Stone, Lawrence 1919-British early modern historian

entry |2 pages

Stubbs, William 1825–1901 British medievalist

entry |2 pages

Subaltern Studies

entry |3 pages

Sudhoff, Karl 1853–1938 German medical historian

entry |2 pages

Suetonius c.70–c.140CE Roman biographer

entry |2 pages

Sugar, Peter F. 1919-Hungarian historian of East Central Europe

entry |5 pages


entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages

Sybel, Heinrich von 1817–1895 German historian

entry |3 pages

Syme, Ronald 1903–1989 British (New Zealand-born) classicist and prosopographer

entry |2 pages

Szekfű, Gyula 1883–1955 Hungarian historian of ideas

letter |42 pages


entry |2 pages

Tacitus c. 56–after 118 CE Roman historian

entry |2 pages

Takaki, Ronald 1939–US ethnic and social historian

entry |2 pages

Tannenbaum, Frank 1893–1969 US (Polish-born) historian of Latin America

entry |2 pages

Tawney, R.H. 1880–1962 British historian of early modern Britain

entry |3 pages

Taylor, A.J.P. 1906–1990 British historian

entry |2 pages


entry |2 pages

Temkin, Owsei 1902–US (Russian-born) historian of medicine

entry |2 pages

Thapar, Romila 1931–Indian historian

entry |4 pages


entry |3 pages

Thierry, Augustin 1795–1856 French liberal historian

entry |2 pages

Thietmar, bishop of Merseburg 975–1018 Saxon historian

entry |2 pages

Thirsk, Joan 1922–British economic and social historian

entry |2 pages

Thomas, Hugh 1931–British European and world historian

entry |3 pages

Thomas, Keith 1933–British social historian

entry |2 pages

Thompson, E.P. 1924–1993 British social historian

entry |2 pages

Thompson, F.M.L. 1925–British economic and social historian

entry |3 pages

Thompson, Leonard 1916– British-born historian of South Africa

entry |1 pages

Thorne, Samuel E. 1907–US legal historian of medieval and early modern England

entry |2 pages

Thucydides c.460/455–c.399 BCE Greek historian

entry |2 pages

Tilly, Charles 1929–US social historian of modern Europe

entry |2 pages

Tilly, Louise A. 1930–US social historian of European labor and women

entry |3 pages

Tocqueville, Alexis de 1805–1859 French historian

entry |2 pages

Todorov, Tsvetan 1939–Bulgarian literary theorist

entry |2 pages

Toynbee, Arnold J. 1889–1975 British historian

entry |2 pages

Treitschke, Heinrich von 1834–1896 German political historian

entry |3 pages

Trevelyan, G.M. 1876–1962 British historian

entry |2 pages

Trevor-Roper, Hugh 1914–British historian

entry |2 pages

Trigger, Bruce G. 1937–Canadian anthropologist, archaeologist, and ethnohistorian

entry |2 pages

Troeltsch, Ernst 1865–1923 German philosopher of history, theologian, and sociologist

entry |2 pages

Turner, Frederick Jackson 1861–1932 US historian of the frontier

entry |2 pages

Turner, Victor 1920–1983 US (British-born) anthropologist

letter |39 pages


entry |2 pages

Ullman, Berthold L. 1882–1965 US paleographer and historian of the Renaissance

entry |2 pages

Ullmann, Walter 1910–1983 British (Austrian-born) medievalist

entry |2 pages

Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher 1938-US historian of women's history and colonial social history

entry |4 pages

United States: Colonial

entry |3 pages

United States: American Revolution

entry |13 pages

United States: 19th Century

entry |10 pages

United States: 20th Century

entry |5 pages

United States: Historical Writing, 20th Century

entry |3 pages

Universal History

entry |4 pages

Urban History

letter |23 pages


entry |2 pages

Vagts, Alfred 1892–1986 US (German-born) military historian

entry |2 pages

Vansina, Jan 1929-Belgian historian of Africa

entry |2 pages

Varnhagen, Francisco Adolfo de 1816–1878 Brazilian historian

entry |2 pages

Vasiliev, A.A. 1867–1953 Russian historian of Byzantium

entry |2 pages

Velleius Paterculus c.20/19BCE-after30CE Roman historian

entry |2 pages

Venturi, Franco 1914-Italian historian of the Enlightenment

entry |2 pages

Vergil, Polydore 1470?-1555? Italian historian of early modern England

entry |2 pages

Vernadsky, George 1887–1973 US (Russian-born) medievalist

entry |2 pages

Vernant, Jean-Pierre 1914-French classical historian

entry |2 pages

Vico, Giambattista 1668–1744 Italian cultural historian and philosopher

entry |5 pages


entry |2 pages

Vietnamese Chronicles

entry |2 pages

Villani, Giovanni 1276–1348 Medieval Italian chronicler

entry |3 pages

Villari, Pasquale 1827–1917 Italian historian, biographer, and political figure

entry |2 pages

Vinogradoff, Paul 1854–1925 British (Russian-born) legal historian

entry |3 pages

Voltaire 1694–1778 French philosopher and historian

entry |2 pages

Vovelle, Michel 1933-French historian of mentalities

letter |67 pages


entry |2 pages

Waitz, Georg 1813–1886 German medievalist

entry |2 pages

Walkowitz, Judith R. 1945-US historian of British cultural and women's history

entry |2 pages

Wallerstein, Immanuel 1930-US social scientist

entry |1 pages

Wang Fuzhi [Wang Fu-chih] 1619–1692 Chinese historian

entry |3 pages

Watson, Alan 1933-British historian of Roman and comparative law

entry |2 pages

Watt, W. Montgomery 1909-British Islamicist

entry |2 pages

Webb, Beatrice 1858–1943 and Sidney Webb 1859–1947 British social, labor, and administrative historians

entry |2 pages

Weber, Eugen 1925-Romanian-born historian of modern France

entry |2 pages

Weber, Hermann 1928-German historian

entry |3 pages

Weber, Max 1864–1920 German historical sociologist

entry |1 pages

Wedgwood, C.V. 1910–1997 British biographer and historian

entry |2 pages

Wehler, Hans-Ulrich 1931-German social historian

entry |2 pages

Wellhausen, Julius 1844–1918 German religious historian

entry |3 pages

Whewell, William 1794–1866 British historian of science, mathematician, and moral philosopher

entry |2 pages

Whig Interpretation of History

entry |2 pages

White, Hayden V. 1928-US intellectual historian and literary theorist

entry |2 pages

White, Lynn, Jr. 1907–1987 US medievalist and historian of technology

entry |3 pages

Widukind of Corvey c.925-after 973 Saxon historian

entry |2 pages

Wiebe, Robert H. 1930-US historian

entry |2 pages

Wilamovitz-Möllendorff, Ulrich von 1848–1931 German classical historian

entry |2 pages

William of Malmesbury c.1090-c.1143 English chronicler

entry |2 pages

William of Tyre c.1130–1186 Historian of the Latin East

entry |2 pages

Williams, Eric 1911–1981 Trinidadian historian

entry |2 pages

Williams, Raymond 1921–1988 British cultural critic

entry |2 pages

Williams, William Appleman 1921–1990 US diplomatic and intellectual historian

entry |2 pages

Wilson, Charles H. 1914–1991 British economic historian

entry |2 pages

Winckelmann, J.J. 1717–1768 German art historian

entry |4 pages

Women's History: Africa

entry |2 pages

Women's History: African American

entry |4 pages

Women's History: Asia

entry |2 pages

Women's History: Australia and New Zealand

entry |2 pages

Women's History: Europe

entry |4 pages

Women's History: India

entry |3 pages

Women's History: Latin America

entry |4 pages

Women's History: North America

entry |2 pages

Wood, G.A. 1865–1928 Australian (British-born) historian

entry |2 pages

Wood, Gordon S. 1933-US historian

entry |2 pages

Woodson, Carter G. 1875–1950 US historian

entry |2 pages

Woodward, C. Vann 1908-US historian of the American South

entry |6 pages

World History

entry |2 pages

World War I (1914–1918)

entry |4 pages

World War II (1939–1945)

entry |2 pages

Worster, Donald 1941-US environmental historian

entry |2 pages

Wrigley, E.A. 1931-British demographic and economic historian

letter |2 pages


entry |2 pages

Xenophon c.428-c.354BCE Greek historian

letter |3 pages


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Yamin, Muhammad 1903–1962 Indonesian nationalist, politician, and writer

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Yates, Frances A. 1899–1981 British historian of the Renaissance

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Zaionchkovskii, P.A. 1904–1983 Soviet historian of modern Russia

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Zaydān, Jurjī 1861–1914 Lebanese social and literary historian

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Zeldin, Theodore 1933–British social and cultural historian of modern France

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Zhang Xuecheng [Chang Hsueh-ch'eng] 1738–1801 Chinese philosopher and historian

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Zinn, Howard 1922–US historian