Human beings are prisoners of their past while simultaneously engaging in the pursuit of a better future reality. They envision future models that should be aspired to in order to overcome the limitations of their current reality, but models of the future are not uniform. They result from power struggles between desires, needs, wishes and interests. The preoccupation with past and future constitutes a power struggle in the present. The more open the struggle and the more cultured its implementation, the more likely it is to bear fruit. The more it is based on mutual misperceptions, the more likely it is to drift to violence. A perusal of the future vision models of diverse human groups and the circumstances and causes of their development at any given stage of history is a good way to access their political desires, needs, motivations and interests. Such a reading can lead to the deciphering of the political and cultural calculations and strategic interests of social groups, as well as leading to an understanding of their behavior and the political processes taking place within them.