(1) The passive of simple verbs may be formed by means of the auxiliary شدن shodan (lit. to become), attached to the Passive Participle. The latter remains uninflected, only the auxiliary being modified to express time, mood, person, and number. Its Imperative is شو show, Plural شوید shavīd. Thus, the verb پوشیدن pūshīdan (to clothe) is conjugated as follows in the Passive:—

Preterite: I. sing. بوشيده شدم pushĩda shodam, etc.

Perfect: يوشيده شده ام püshĩda shoda am, etc.

Present Indicative: يوشيده هيشوم püshïda mïshavam, etc.

Future: وشيده خواز شد püshida khäham shod, etc.

Participle Past: يوشيده شده püshïda shoda.

Participle Present: موشيده شونده püshīda shavanda.