The industrial output of southern Jiangsu province grew by over 12 percent in

the fi rst quarter of 1989, but State-operated industry grew by only 1 percent, while

town-and-village enterprises grew by more than 20 percent. The diffi culties of

State industry lie mainly in the shortages of power, coal, and raw materials. Many

factories have to close down for two days every week due to power outages and

nearly half the generators of State power plants are shut down because of the

shortage of coal. Small local power plants can generate power by purchasing coal

at a negotiated price, while State-operated plants, which rely on central alloca-

tions of power and coal, cannot afford such high negotiated prices. Township

industries usually purchase power at a negotiated price or generate power with

their own diesel engines if negotiated-price power is unavailable. There are many

sources of coal if you are purchasing at the negotiated prices however, product

prices rise as costs increase, and factories can barely afford it. Thus, economic

returns drop considerably.