This chapter examines the results of studies of sex differences surrounding a wide array of preferences, interests, attitudes, and beliefs. It considers few citations to studies of nonhumans. Gustatory and olfactory preferences are those having to do with taste and smell. Quite a number of studies have sought to determine if one sex prefers certain types of visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, or tactile stimuli more than the other sex. Studies of sex differences in rat preferences for alcohol typically involve making two beakers of liquid available to animals. A couple of studies have explored sex differences in people's preferences for various features of their color preferences. Gender differences in people's academic or intellectual preferences and interests are summarized. A large number of studies have examined gender differences in interests in infants and young children by adolescents and adults. A substantial number of studies have sought to determine if males and females differ regarding their interests in sports, games, and exercise.