All potentials were digitally converted by a Tecmar Labmaster A/D board interfaced with a microcomputer. Data was sampled at a rate of 400 Hz by computer. A 3.0 s sample, collected for each shot, was triggered by the experimenter just prior to take away. A final 2.2 s sample window, extracted from each 3.0 s sample, was selected so that the take away marker occurred 200 ms into the sample. Shot quality, as judged by the subject, was also recorded after each shot. This judgement was based on subjective feel and where the ball hit the net. Subjects hit all shots from an artificial turf surface into a net using a 7-iron. Data from several subjects were also collected during shots made with a 1-wood and 4-iron. Data were collected up to 40 shots from each subject following a warm-up period (approximately 5-10 practice shots). Both the mean level of activity, averaged across all swings, and the variability was determine for integrated EMG waves forms from the left trapezius and the forearm flexor muscles. For analysis, measure of this activity was made over the take-away phase of the golf swing. Student t test statistic was used to compare differences.