Is there an appropriate size for junior equipment? Recently Wood, Gallagher and Martino, (1989) investigated the kinematic properties of young children’s golf swings and found that club shafts that were stiff increased the error associated with the face angle during the golf swing. Based upon this earlier study, further investigation into the kinematic properties displayed by children swinging a golf club were of interest. The purpose of this study was to broaden the age span of the original study and to collect anthropometric measures, e.g., standing height and body proportion data in order to better determine the role of size and age on golf swing kinematics. In order to determine what equipment might be appropriate for junior golfers, children attending a junior golf clinic were tested on a Sportech computer. Four drivers were selected to determine the effect of club shaft length, club shaft stiffness and swing weight upon the swing kinematics of various aged and sized children.