Jade used the dry sand for this tray (Figure 14.1). While she was pushing most of the sand from the right side to the left, she commented: “The sand is too much!” When told that she could take out some sand, she did. Then she placed two houses in the upper right corner and surrounded them

with some trees. Immediately after, she built a fence around the lower right corner and placed domestic animals there, including two horses, two chickens, three lambs, and one goat (some are not shown in this picture). In front and in back of the house, she placed working men and women, two small children, and a dog. To the left, she placed a man with an oar in a life raft drifting in the sea, surrounded by chunks of sea reefs and shells around the shore. At the end of the session, she placed flowers around the fence and two huge butterflies on the flowers.