Assumption 1: Anger Is Undesirable. It is, as the Buddha said, painful and profitless. Anger is undesirable for two reasons. First, it feels unpleasant. Irritation, grouchiness, losing your cool, are not good feelings. The rnother who is exasperated with her child is in an unhappy state. These are clear exarnples of Dukkha that we're better off elirninating. Second, it alrnost always leads to the wrong action. I speak here frorn consistent personal experience. IfI was angry I was too harsh with rny child, or later regretted what I said to rny wife. My own experience is also confirmed by examples frorn other people: The rnotherwho says "I didn't rnean to hurt the child, but 1 got carried away" or the person who, in an argument, becornes insulting.