Carolyn †rst started to think about her leadership situation. She remembered two important ideas she learned in a Full Range Leadership Development (FRLD) training course. First, leadership is not a power trip, it’s an empowerment gift. Second, leaders and followers can’t move forward by taking a competing §rm stance, but only through a kind of a dance, where partners take turns and the lead shifts back and forth until they become one. After pondering these recollections, Carolyn realized that her followers are part of her leadership system, and how she interacts with them will determine their collective success. She came to understand that her followers’ individual di§erences in personality, self-concept, life experiences, knowledge, skills and abilities, and intelligence actually can empower her to achieve synergies. Now Carolyn’s mindset was ready to start appreciating the unique di§erences of her followers and coach and mentor them to achieve their full potential.