As the first decade of the new millennium comes to an end, traditional international boundaries that have defined countries, economic regions, and the global entertainment industry have irrevocably changed. What has taken their place is a global market that continues to provide companies and individuals the opportunity to sell and purchase goods from far flung corners of the planet. Today the entertainment industry, as well as the music industry, is a global industry with a potential audience of over six billion people. Furthermore, the international music industry has become an important component of economic growth, employment, trade, and innovation for developed and developing countries. For music companies, foreign markets are attractive because of the possibility of additional revenues beyond the company’s home market. Exporting music products beyond national boundaries often requires minimal additional costs, as economies of scale increase the potential of products on an international market. Nonetheless, entering the global market requires the interaction between economic, cultural, technological, and social attributes. Even with restrictions, the production, consumption, and trade of music on a global level have become the norm for the music industry and will continue to develop in the near future.