WITH respect to the course which Anglo-Japanese relations are to take in the future, there is one very important possibility that it will scarcely do to ignore. Thus far, in discussing the probabilities of an Anglo-Japanese renewal of the Treaty of Alliance, the writer has based his conjectures upon what might be termed the normal factors in international relations. They are the factors such as we have grown accustomed to from long usage and tradition, such as, for example, that civilized nations will not employ barbarous methods in making war and will respect the usual usages of war; that they will not employ savages or semi-civilized tribes to make war on other civilized nations or to occupy their territory with such troops; that civilized nations will no longer engage in the slave-trade or, what is equally bad, compel their savage or semi-civilized subjects by methods that are repulsive to humanity to serve in their conscript armies; that an inferior civilization, like the African, shall not be put in a position where it may become a menace to the higher civilization of the White man or the Yellow man.