Introduction Before considering some ways in which Japanese manufacturing affiliates have impacted on the UK economy, we outline some ways in which they are perceived to behave differently from their UK competitors. Chapter 3 has identified a number of ownership advantages specific of Japanese MNEs, the transfer of which to the UK via foreign direct investment may be reasonably presumed to have had some distinctive consequences. This chapter will explore the extent to which the various management functions performed by Japanese affiliates are influenced by Japanese thinking and philosophy; and how far decisions taken about resource allocation in the UK are directed or guided by their parent companies. Chapter 5 will then discuss the ways in which the resources transferred and the control over their use affects the performance and structure of production within Japanese affiliates; and Chapters 6 to 9 the extent to which other UK suppliers, competitors and customers have been (or may have been) affected by the presence of these affiliates. Chapter 10 will focus on labour-related issues.