With the standard style of corporate organization in Japan being organic, the corporate structure is such that it does not need to contend with narrowing the gap between decisions made by upper management and how they are implemented at lower levels. In a mechanistic organization, upper management is the first to assess the conditions of the surrounding environment and their reactions are then relayed to middle and lower management. The organic organization prefers to absorb reality by becoming a part of its environment, and its survival depends on how it perceives real conditions. The reality is a Japan under modification, where various shocks threaten the survival of its economy, its companies and its human resources. Rather than a concept or a topic controlled by the discussions of upper management, information relating to this reality has a more visceral form. Taking into account the complexities in internal and external circumstances, this instinctive mode is crucial to the organization at all levels. The life-expectancy of the corporate organism is limited by the subjective qualities of its human resources, which are defined by the diverse personalities, individual expectations, human relations, factions, etc. converging at a specific time and place.