When we take into consideration, for instance, visual cognition, we can easily realize that vision is the end result of a construction realized in the conditions of experience. It is “direct” and organic in nature because it is the product of neither simple mental associations nor reversible reasoning, but, primarily, the “harmonic” and targeted articulation of specifi c attractors at different embedded levels. The resulting texture is experienced at the conscious level by means of self-refl ection; we actually sense that it cannot be reduced to anything else, but is primary and self-constituting. We see visual objects; they have no independent existence in themselves but cannot be broken down into elementary data. Grasping the information at the visual level means managing to hear, as it were, inner speech. It means fi rst of all capturing and “playing” each time, in an inner generative language, through progressive assimilation, selection, and real metamorphosis (albeit partially and roughly) and according to “genealogical” modules (as envisaged by Husserl), the articulation of the complex semantic apparatus which works at the deep level and moulds and subtends, in a mediate way, the presentation of the functional patterns at the level of the optical sieve.