You are with two friends walking back from school together. You nip into the local shop, as one of them wants to buy a top-up for their phone. While she is sorting this out, your other friend pockets a chocolate bar and gives you a wink. You all walk out of the shop together. How do you feel? Next day, you all walk to the shop again, and your friend says to you, ‘I dare you to nick a bar of chocolate!’ How do you feel? You all walk into the shop and your friend leads you round the back away from the cameras. ‘Now!’ How do you feel? Before you know what you are doing, you take a bar of chocolate and put it in your pocket. Then, walking smartly together, you go out of the store and on your way. No one has stopped you! How do you feel? The next day, your friend dares you to do it again, only this time you are to go into the shop on your own. How do you feel? You pick up the chocolate and put it in your pocket. You are about to go out of the door when the shopkeeper says, ‘Hold it. What’s in your pocket?’ How do you feel? Guiltily you pull out the chocolate bar and hand it to the shopkeeper. Your friend sees what has happened from outside the shop and runs away. How do you feel? The shopkeeper asks you for your name and address, and calls the police. You can’t run away because your face is too well known, as it’s your local shop. How do you feel? The police arrive and handcuff you. They say something to you about your rights and put you in a police car. How do you feel? The police put you in a cell and leave you there. How do you feel? Some time later, your mum comes, and is really upset. How do you feel? The police put you in an interview room and question you about what happened. Your mum is there as well. How do you feel? You are charged with retail theft and bailed to appear in court. How do you feel?