According to unofficial estimates, Shi ites represent 15.4% of the world’s Muslim population and Sunnis represent 84.6%. The total of Sunnis and Shi ites in the world is 1,385 billion. In Middle Eastern countries, Shi ites represent 37.5% of the total population, while Sunnis represent 62.5%, and their total is 253 million. According to unofficial statistics, the Shi ites represent the majority in each of Bahrain, Lebanon and Iraq. Regarding Kuwait, there is no official statistic of the number of Shi ites currently, but it was estimated by James Bill to be in the range between 15% and 25% of the population. However, Anthony Cordesman estimated it to be 30%, relying on the American Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) resources.1 We emphasize that these statistics are not official; they are mere speculations by those who are interested in the political situation in the Middle East. Although the Shi ite sect in Kuwait is an essential part of Kuwaiti society, their real number is not known. The British political agent in Kuwait during the 1930s estimated the numbers of Shi ites to be 18,000 citizens from a total Kuwaiti population of 65,000.2 Based on this representation, it could be estimated that Shi ites are approximately 28% of the overall population of Kuwait.