The Strategic Teaching and Reinforcement Systems (STARS)-Model Classrooms and STARS Partners in Education are collaborative programs that train, support, and guide new program development in school systems using the Verbal Behavior model. In addition, STARS is a resource for books, assessment instruments, DVDs, research reprints, and classroom materials to assist in using the Verbal Behavior model. Verbal Behavior STARS uses the Verbal Behavior approach, an assessment and curricular approach based on B. F. Skinner's behavioral analysis of language. The child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) will need to use autoclitics to modify verbal behavior appropriately as a speaker and to respond appropriately to differences in autoclitics as a listener. Social communication impairments associated with ASD may include numerous skill problems involving joint attention, social reciprocity, initiating bids for interaction, taking turns, responding to others' bids for attention, understanding and using verbal and non-verbal communication, symbolic play, problem solving, planning, and regulating emotions.