MY first word today must necessarily be the monosyllable Thanks! I want to express my profound gratitude to you because you have elected me your President. I shall never forget the feelings with which I received the telegram from your honorary secretary inviting me to become president: it found me after a delay of some days at an out-of-the-way place on the west coast of Jutland, where I had retired, far from civilization and post-offices. The telegram not only surprised me as few things have surprised me in my life, for I had never dreamt of the possibility of having this honour conferred on me, but it also filled me with joy and pride. Afterwards, when the first attack, if I may say so, of vanity had subsided, I began to ask myself more objectively the question what motives could have been in your minds when you came to think of me as President, and I found two which seemed to me to explain, partially at least, your choice on this occasion.