There are numerous facets to a positive environment, some of which have been mentioned in Chapter 4. Before detailing what coaches can do to be positive, communicate effectively, and enhance the motivation of their athletes, we will first briefly identify five other important facets of a positive environment. The environment should:

1 Be supportive – a positive environment offers accessible support when needed. Support can come in many forms (Rees & Hardy, 2004). Positive reinforcement can increase athletes’ self-worth, feelings of competence, and motivation. Informational support comes in the form of advice or suggestions. Tangible or instrumental support can be in the form of equipment, transportation, or facilities. Social support provides affiliation and enhances feelings of self-worth. A lack of social support, although undesirable, is not the worst scenario. Social disapproval is worse than no social support. Ridicule indisputably has a negative effect on individuals. Disapproval, whether demonstrated by the silent treatment, sarcasm, or outright rage, is obviously not present in a positive environment.