A gang of thugs is chasing you after you inadvertently insulted the leader’s girlfriend. They are going to beat you to a pulp after they catch you and you are literally running for your life. You are getting tired and there is no place to hide. The thugs are gaining and your heart is racing as fast as it can to keep you going. They are just about to catch you and all of a sudden you wake up. Sweating, eyes wide open, and heart pumping, you realize it was just a dream and you laugh to yourself, but it’s a little hard getting back to sleep. Awakening just in time from a scary dream is a great way to escape the danger and avoid traumatization. Escape is when the danger has permanently passed. Hollywood understands this concept. How many endings of scary movies have you seen where the predator, thought to be killed, somehow manages to survive and look the audience in the face? Just when you thought you were safe, that you escaped-it is the stuff nightmares and traumatizations are made of.