In this chapter we extend our consideration of the ways in which young children’s learning with technology can be supported at preschool and at home, drawing on the two major projects described earlier, Interplay and Entering e-Society. Research suggests that patterns of learning interactions differ across these two settings in areas such as numeracy (Aubrey, Bottle and Godfrey 2003) and literacy (Feiler 2005; Heath 1983; Tizard and Hughes 1984). As discussed in Chapter 7, there has been little research on young children’s uses of technology at home to date, but we know that the patterns of use for older children differ across home and school (Kent and Facer 2004; Kerawalla and Crook 2002; Stevenson 2008). In this chapter, we summarize some of the key findings from the earlier chapters so that we can consider the similarities and differences in home and preschool, the two areas where young children spend most of their time.