The Every Child Matters (ECM ) initiative affects the philosophy and organisations of schools in all areas, including their relationship with: the staff, children, parents and the wider community. It was originally developed following the tragic death of Victoria Climbié, an eight-year-old child who was tortured and killed by her great aunt and her boyfriend. Following extensive enquiries and consultations, the government published Every Child Matters: Next Steps, and passed the Children Act 2004. This provided the legislation for developing services to protect, support and improve the life chances and wellbeing of all children and young people. Every Child Matters: Change for Children was published in November 2004 and describes

how agencies must work together to ensure that every child from birth to 19, whatever their background or circumstances, will have the support they need to:

Be healthy

Stay safe

Enjoy and achieve

Make a positive contribution

Achieve economic wellbeing.