Domestic violence occurs when a partner, or ex-partner, in an intimate relationship, attempts to harm or control another person with sexual abuse, stalking, emotional and psychological abuse, or physical abuse or aggression (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000). Many different terms are used to describe these domestic violence–related behaviors in a couple, including marital or domestic violence, dating violence, battering, spouse or partner abuse, domestic abuse, partner aggression, and intimate partner violence. Researchers employ different definitions of the phenomena of partner abuse or domestic violence, which results in inconsistent prevalence estimates and makes it difficult to compare across studies. In this chapter, various terms will be used interchangeably to describe “domestic violence.” We will include physical and sexual violence or aggression, threats of physical and sexual violence or aggression (including physical control), and psychological and emotional abuse that occur in the context of current or prior physical or sexual violence, and we will discuss research and intervention programs for any of these problems. Consequently, we will not include in our focus more ordinary verbal aggression that occurs in relationships that have no history of physical or sexual aggression or violence.