Management selection, recruitment and development in China have been and still are the focus of many boardroom discussions. Those in the business education field in Asia are confronted with these challenges on a daily basis. With expansion in capacity and varied solutions, progress is being made. Nevertheless, we are still far from bridging the gap (Goodall et al., 2004; Lynton and Bressot, 2005). Compared with 4,000 universities for a population of around 280 million in the USA, China’s 1,000 for a population of 1.3 billion is glaringly insufficient (McIntyre, 2005). Management consulting firm McKinsey and Co. estimated that China will need 75,000 top-level executives with international experience by 2010 (Davis, 2008); 70,000 more than they had in 2006 (Lavelle and Rutledge, 2006).