The GATS negotiations are conducted under a specifi c set of norms, rules and procedures. In practice, they unfold in various negotiation “subsystems” ranging from local to global. The GATS negotiations are primarily a two-level process, i.e. global and national. In cases such as the European Union, the regional level is also signifi cant due to the defi nition of a common negotiation position between European countries (Barton et al. 2006). At the global level, negotiations are conducted in what is called the “participant subsystem”. The participant subsystem integrates the organs, procedures and actors that directly depend from the international organization. Specifi cally, in our case study, the subsystem is lead by the representatives from the WTO member countries that are assisted by the WTO Secretariat. The negotiations within the WTO participant subsystem are more intense and attract more media attention when General Councils or Ministerial Conferences are being held. The most signifi cant decisions and the trade commitments of the WTO negotiation rounds are adopted in those forums. However, the negotiations at the WTO are carried out in Geneva day after day in the framework of numerous trade committees, working groups, etc.