Often clients want homework exercises to do in between sessions. I have used this particular method with many clients, who consistently report back that they have found it to be useful. There are a range of uses for this exercise and I invite you to explore and experiment and ®nd your own uses and creative variations on this. The exercise implicitly invites clients to account for a full range of emotions, and the complex and mixed emotions we may feel about any given situation, and how at any time we have a range of emotions connected to different things which we may not be immediately aware of. The process invites a degree of receptivity to a range of emotions. Although material may remain unconscious, by allowing oneself to feel a range of emotions, the emotions can be tracked, understood, and generally awareness of one's own process is increased. Identifying (differentiating) and naming emotions and thinking about their cause (causality) is often effective at promoting greater emotional literacy. The exercise is a sentence completion exercise that systematically focuses on different emotions in turn.