PHENOMENOLOGY OF RELIGION The phenomenology of religion is a gen-

eral approach to the study of religion

that has sought to describe religions

while suspending judgments about their

truth claims. Through suspending ques-

tions about truth, the phenomenology

of religion has attempted to be an

objective, dispassionate science, some-

times identified with the scientific study

of religion (Religionswissenschaft) as such,

which has sought accurate description

and the establishing of patterns or types

of religions. Phenomenology of religion

primarily refers to this approach but the

category can be broadened to take into

account an important development in

theology that sees itself as phenomenol-

ogy. This article will present an account

first of the meaning and philosophical

roots of phenomenology, second of the

phenomenology of religion as usually

understood, and third, although more

briefly, of theological phenomenology.