Discussing narcissism within the context of relationships is especially appropriate given the term’s origin. According to Greek mythology, Narcissus was one of Greece’s handsomest bachelors who was adored and pursued by all, including one particular nymph who went by the name of Echo (Bulfinch, 1913). Alas, Narcissus only had eyes for himself and consistently rejected Echo’s attentions. Although much of the tale of Narcissus revolves around his exchanges with Echo, she was but one of several nymphs he rebuffed. One of those scorned prayed that Narcissus himself should feel the pain of unrequited love. The prayer was granted and Narcissus was cursed to fall helplessly in love with the next person he encountered. Sadly for Narcissus, the curse was placed just prior to him taking a drink of water from a pond. Upon seeing his own reflection in the water, Narcissus became entranced and unable to look away. Narcissus’ infatuation was so deep that he remained transfixed until he died. The beautiful Narcissus flower bloomed in the place of his demise.