I have attempted throughout all aspects of the research to incorporate a refl exive approach, although whether one can remain completely ‘refl exive’ at every stage may be at times diffi cult. I have also attempted to demonstrate that the combination of social forces, individual constructions of identity and the physiological experiences of the body all play a part in how one engages in a social encounter. There may be occasions when one aspect takes precedence, either consciously or unconsciously. As I have shown, there were times during the research, such as the match with Tim, where I ‘lost control’ of the original intentions of the research and could not escape my social presence within such an encounter. Similarly there were times when I was overcome by the thrill of winning or felt dejected after losing. There were also times I was caught up in the moment and felt the thrill of being physically strong and alive, only to discover that the feelings I was experiencing were completely different from those of my opponent. For example, in one tournament match, the thrill which I experienced in my body was interpreted differently by the person I was playing. On that occasion I was feeling confi dent in my physical abilities, whereas my opponent explained after the match that he had felt intimidated by my ‘aggressive’ play.