In Part 2 of this book we present the speci®c techniques of BA organized around a speci®c structure. As discussed in Point 1, there are several variants of BA, including BA (Martell et al., 2001) and BATD (Lejuez, Hopko, & Hopko, 2001), each emphasizing a different but overlapping set of techniques. Our goal with this book was to provide a cohesive structure that organized these techniques functionally while maximizing BA's ef®ciency, ease of implementation, and ¯exibility. The structure described herein provides (a) simple, powerful activation interventions very early in treatment, (b) a simple functional assessment strategy, consistent with the behavioral ABC model presented in Point 5, to be employed with clients for whom simple activation is not successful, and (c) additional speci®c BA techniques to be employed based on the ongoing results of functional assessment, allowing treatment to be tailored to the individual.