In mid December 2007, The Scotsman published fi gures from a government poll indicating that 48% of Scottish people believed that a Gypsy/Traveller would be unsuitable as a primary school teacher (see also Lloyd & Stead, 2001; Lloyd, Stead, Jordan & Norris, 1999). Patrick Delaney’s response to the tragic racist murder of his 15-year-old son by two non-Traveller boys in the South of England-“It is by working together that future generations can learn to live alongside each other” (Coxhead, 2007)—refl ects Travellers’ increasing willingness to work with government agencies (Kiddle, 2007). Despite high levels of anti-Traveller views and a lack of Travellers’ views (Morris, 2006), Holyrood and Westminster parliaments are making serious attempts to ameliorate racism in everyday life.